Friday, December 18, 2009

Riley's Christmas Party

Today was the Christmas party at my school. I was very excited about the party. We signed up to bring apple juice, so in the morning Dad and I brought a big bottle of apple juice for me and my friends to share. I was slightly confused thinking it was a birthday party, but I figured it out with all the green and red decorations. My classmates and I are always very excited when parents so up. I was very excited that not only Mommy made it to the party, but Daddy and Baby Reed were able to come too.

Here is a picture of me and all my classmates. We were so excited for the party all day. We had pizza, cheese, fruits and veggies and of course cupcakes. There was even a special Christmas pinata. Everyone had a chance to break the pinata, but apparently we were too gentle. In the end, Dad broke open the pinata for us and candy fell out.

Eating up at the party.

Headed home from the party with a belly full of pizza and sugar.
Reed slept through the whole Christmas party, but here he is after the party. He got dressed all Christmasy especially for my party, what a good brother. Crazy fact, but Daddy wore that same outfit when he was a little boy.

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