Today I went to my friend Bobby's 2nd birthday party at the Little Gym. I had such a great time playing with the other kids and showing my mommy and daddy that I have no fear of heights or concept of bodily harm.
Playing under the parachute...
Hanging with my friend Caroline...
Working on my balance beam skills with mommy...
No fear...
Still working on my landing...
More sugar...
Trying to fit the whole cake in my mouth...
Mommy, can I give you a hug now?
Are you kidding me, this is for sure a GOLD MEDAL child. He is adorable. I think he needs to join the little gym. He has tons of talent and i am sure he is Olympic Bound. His grandmother was in gymnastics in HS.
Riley! You are so athletic, you little gymnast! You must get it from your Daddy. Don't let your Mommy teach you how to snow ski or you'll end up on the side of a mountain. Come visit me!
Auntie Megs
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