My Grandpa B and Grandmom and Grandpop Wilson came to visit me for Christmas. I made Grandpa B a Christmas Stocking, because he was the only one that didn't have one yet. My Mommy got me glitter glue, stickers and a white stocking and I decorated it all by myself. It was beautiful if I do say so myself. I think Santa liked it too.
The finished stocking. I did it all by myself with the exception of writing Grandpa B's name. Helping Daddy and Grandpa B with the luminarias, my New Mexico family tradition. We fold the bags, weigh them down and then light a candle in each bag and line the walkway to our house to light the way for Santa. I think it helps him, as he finds our house every year.
I supervised Daddy and Grandpa B's luminaria work. It was pretty good folding. They made 100 luminarias.
Leaving cookies out for Santa. Grandma B sent these to me and Daddy thought they would be perfect to share with Santa. Here are the luminarias all lit up so Santa can find my house.
We lined the whole sidewalk so Santa wouldn't have a problem finding our house from high in the sky.
When I woke up in the morning and came downstairs, I found a playhouse in my house. My friend Bolt was even in the house. Lots of presents and only one little bag of coal (it didn't really have coal in it, just cars and candy, that Santa is funny). I was a pretty good boy this year, yeah!!! Hamburgers fresh off the grill from my new playhouse.
Santa knows me so well, I love Little People. Playing with my easel, markers and coloring books from Grandmom and Grandpop. Grandpa B opening up his presents. Mommy and I hanging out in my playhouse. I love to cook food for everyone in the kitchen. So far I've made 100 play hamburgers, hotdogs, corn on the cob and plates of ketchup.
Here's what you have to do when you've been tagged: 1. Open the 4th folder in your computer. 2. Choose the 4th picture in the folder and post in in your blog. 3. Describe the picture. 4. Tag 4 people.
This picture is from the folder "At the Carwash". In the picture is Dad, and his friend David Fredricks. I don't remember the exact bet, but they had to wash Megs' car.
The four people I will tag are Kendra, Lissa, Jacqueline and Katie.
I went down to Austin this past weekend to see Aunt WooWoo, Matt, Pop Pop and Grammie. We were celebrating Christmas early with WooWoo. We also got to wish Pop Pop a Happy Early Birthday. My new favorite thing to sing is a remix of ABC, Baa Baa Black Sheep and Happy Birthday Pop Pop. Here is a little run down of my weekend. It is in reverse order, be patient with my blogging skills I'm only 2.
WooWoo got me more Little People friends. Yeah!!!
Matt handing out gifts in his elf gear. What a good Elf he makes, he reminds me of Buddy the Elf.
Here is Pop Pop and Matt in the shirts Mom and I picked out at Target, I can't believe they really wore them.
The best $6.99 I've ever seen Mommy spend. This shirt provided holiday cheer all night long.
Daddy teaching me the flag pole trick. Notice how strong Daddy is. He can hold all his body weight while extending his legs out like a Flag. I'm trying to learn how to do this, though I look more like the kid who gets his tongue stuck to the flagpole in A Christmas Story.
Daddy throwing me in the air. You can't tell but I think Mommy was scared when she was taking this picture.
I was teaching Dad how to look cool at the playground. All the cool kids stand on the table.
Having fun on the slide. Not sure what this expression was about, but Mom thinks it is pretty cute.
Climbing up to hang out with Mom on the playground. She's like my own personal paparazzi.
WooWoo and I swinging.
The Christmas parade in Georgetown, what parade would be complete without Ronald McDonald on a firetruck. Anyone feel like Chicken McNuggets?
WooWoo and Matt watching the parade.
Enjoying the candy they handed out at the parade.
I started out the parade pretty sleepy. Thankfully Daddy held me so I could get a good view and rest my head.
I went with Mommy and saw Santa at the mall. It was pretty cool, as no other kids were around, so Santa played with me. We walked around the snowglobes, sang songs and gave high fives. Santa is cool. I will have to post a comparative picture to last year when Santa kind of scared me. I think this year's picture looks good.
I'm an adventurer stuck in the body of a toddler. Born and currently raised in the state of Texas, though I bleed Orange and Blue for the Denver Broncos. When I grow up I either want to be Superman, Batman or an accountant like my Dad.