Sunday, September 27, 2009

I don't feel good

I felt great yesterday I even took some pictures with Mom (with Baby Reed) and Dad in Denton with Miss Jacqueline. I will have to post some when we get them, they turned out super cute. Then the next day I woke up and I didn't feel so hot. All I wanted was to lay on the couch and rest, which for anyone who knows me knows that is crazy. I didn't want to jump, run around or play.
Me and Snoopy watching, "It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown" and trying to get my fever to go away.

Tylenol and comic books made me feel a little bit better.

Dad helped me read through all my new comics.

When all the comics were read and as the tylenol wore off I turned to my Batman movies to make me feel better, but even that couldn't help.

I didn't even have the energy to sit up.

I eventually feel asleep on the couch as the stairs took too much energy and I wanted to stay close to Mom and Dad.
Grammie came to town to help take care of me, thank goodness she could make it at the last minute. Mom and Dad had tickets to Monday Night Football and a Metallica concert so I was happy they were still able to go. I had started feeling better by Tuesday, but unfortunately, I woke up Wednesday morning feeling really crummy again. Mom and Dad took to me to the Dr. and they found out I had gotten over the H1N1 flu, but I was starting to develop a sinus infection. I was all better by Friday and back at school, thanks for all the TLC Mom, Dad and Grammie.

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