Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Another day, another injury

After school today, my parents took me to the park. It was a little chilly, but I couldn't wait to run up to the playset to slide. I ran up the steps and slid down just like a good little boy. Then I ran back up and did it again. I was too fast for Mommy the second time and slide on my cheek, so now one side of my face is nice and rosy. The rosy cheek will go nicely with my new scratches from school. Apparently, I like to play with toys and don't like them when people take them away from me. I need to work on my patience and my friends need to work on sharing. This growing up thing is hard. My big achievement today was the stacking of shapes. I matched up the purple circles and snapped them into place. What awesome fine and gross motor skills. Gotta go to sleep so I will be ready to learn more tomorrow at school.

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