Tuesday, January 29, 2008

What's Riley up to now???

Let me get you caught up....since the last update I got to spend time with my Grandma B. She came all the way from Phoenix, just to see me. Ok and maybe the rest of my family too, but seriously, it was probably just for me. I showed off my walking skills and showed her how to use all my toys. I shared my cars and books with Grandma.

She is really good at getting my shake n go cars to go real far. We went to the Arboretum, the Great Wolf Lodge, Going Bonkers and other local hang outs.

After Grandma left my Aunt Wendy came to visit me. She picked me up from school and took me to play kickball at the high school. Aunt Wendy and I saw a softball game and I said my first compound word, "baseball".

Later I went to visit Ms. Lissa and i got to play with Caroline. We played with all her toys and tried to break the baby gates.

1 comment:

kikiblack said...


Grandma really enjoyed visiting with you. I miss you so much. I can hardly wait to see you at Easter.

Love Grandma B