Wednesday, June 10, 2009

More Thunder and Lightning

Mommy picked me up from school today, while Daddy went to gym. When Daddy got home the whole family watched Wall-E. I made sure I was watching with my stuffed Wall-E and Eve that Grandma got me. Mommy made Daddy and I dinner. Daddy ate a turkey sandwich and I ate fish sticks. Since I ate all my dinner I got to eat blue gummy treats. It started raining really really hard. It was really windy too and there was lots of thunder and lightning. The lights even in the house started dimming from the heavy winds. Daddy and I stood under the porch in the backyard watching the rain and lightning and listening to the thunder. It was so much fun. I got into my pedibles shirt (again) for bedtime and then I went downstairs to say bye-bye to mommy and to the rain before going to bed.

Watching Wall-E with Dad.
Come on Dad, I prefer to snuggle.
Dad had to get up so Mommy took over snuggle duty.
Lightning. Daddy taught me all about thunder and lightning. I wasn't scared at all in the middle of the night since he did such a good job teaching me about it. In the morning there was still thunder and lightning, I couldn't wait to go downstairs with Dad and see it.

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