Monday, June 8, 2009

The Zoo!

Today I went to school. Boy was I surprised to see Mommy 30 minutes later. She was kidnapping me and taking me to the zoo with my friend Caroline and her Mommy Lissa. Awesome!!!. As a special treat since Daddy was going to miss out on the zoo, I brought him a coffee and scone to work as it's on the way to the zoo. Dad was very excited for Mommy and me. And he told us to take lots of pictures. So here they are Dad:

Here's me in the kid's play and learning area. I loved this cow and kept saying it was big and tall. No offense Bessie, but you are big and tall.
Here I am with the alligator. Look how close I got.
Bye bye alligator, see you later.
Then I saw kangaroos.
I kept touching all the handrails, thank goodness Mom brought a ton of packages of Sani-hands.
Here's the Mommy lion. I was sad that the Dad lion was already in nap time. But boy was I happy to see the Mommy lion. I have told everyone about her and the 2 baby lions I saw.
If you look really close you will see the Tiger. It is orange and black...not the one that wears a red polo and carries golf clubs.
Here I am looking in the distance at the giraffes. Can you see them?
I loved the giraffes, they are real tall.

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