Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Thunder and Lightning

Last night I learned about thunder and lightning when it woke me up in the middle of the night. Mommy heard me awake and walked in my room to find me looking out the window. Mommy got me cereal and milk, which I ate, but it still didn't do the trick. No amount of Lucky Charms could distract me, I was still scared because of the thunder and lightning and needed Daddy. So, we got into bed with Daddy. I didn't want to wake up Daddy so I started petting Daddy's hair and saying "softly", as that helps me sleep. I think it worked as Daddy never woke up, though I did notice he started smiling real big. As all of us were trying to get back to sleep in Mommy and Daddy's big bed, Mommy sneezed and I sat up and said really sweetly "bless you, Mommy." Then we all went to sleep. It was real nice, though I don't think they will let me in the big bed again or at least anytime soon.
Daddy picked me up from school today and when I got home I wanted to take my snacks and lay in the bed with Mommy. Daddy made me a bubble bath and I had fun playing in the tub.
After I got on my jammies I went on a walk with Daddy and we saw a duck eating crackers.

Before school
After school...
Bath time.
Silly rocket.
Silly Riley.
Stroller ride time.
Let's go that way.

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