Monday, July 27, 2009

Rain Rain Go Away

Ok, so it wasn't a downpour, but I was super excited to try out my umbrella. I walked the umbrella all around the neighborhood with Mom and Dad.
Singing in the rain.
Holding the umbrella tightly.
Hold it up real high. drops of rain on me.....this umbrella must work really well....though there aren't any rain drops on the ground either.
Braving the elements...umbrella-less.
The neighbors must have thought there was a walking umbrella, as I was incognito.
Here's Riley!!
Tired of walking.....I hitched a ride with Daddy.
I made Dad hold the umbrella too.....he felt a little silly because it wasn't really raining, but you never know when it will suddenly pour down.
Here Dad is trying to figure out if his arm can hold me all the way back to our house.

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