Sunday, July 19, 2009

Sunday Funday

Today I had an extra special day with Dad. We went to the movies to see Ice Age. I was so excited I couldn't even sleep for my nap. Here I am by the poster at the movie theatre.
We got a free movie poster to bring home, so we showed Mommy who all the characters are. Dad and I both loved the movie. Now I hope they will let me see Ice Age 1 and 2.
I love Manny, Buck and Diego (aka Baby Tiger). And at the end of the movie I told everyone that the baby wooly mammoth was "so cute".
After nap time and more playing at home with Mommy, Dad and I decided to go out to play....only problem is that it was hot. So we stopped by McD's to refuel before playing. I loved my happy meal, but was slightly disappointed the Ice Age toys ended the day before.
The we went to a local indoor playland called "the tubes". It is run by a church in our area, but open to the public for free. Here I am climbing....
and sliding.
I love the tubes.
More climbing.
Watching Dad from above.
Playing on the outdoor playland.
Climbing on the boat.
And pretending the ledge is the McDonald's counter and I'm taking Dad's order. Daddy you want burger, fries, ice cream.

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