Sunday, October 11, 2009

My Birthday cards

It's almost my birthday, which means birthday cards have started coming in the mail. I love checking the mail box, but it is even more fun when there is stuff in it for me. Out of all the magazines, books and toys I get in the mail, cards are definitely my favorite. I play with the characters on the cards for hours and sometimes I even bring them to sleep with me.

Here I am opening a card from GiGi and Bob. Can you see the excitement in my face.

It's my favorite friends the Backyardigans.....not sure where Tasha and Austin are though.

I found them, they were in the inside. Then I repeatedly named all my special friends. How did Gigi and Bob know I loved them so much?
Then I opened a car from Uncle Bryan. It came all the way to my house from New Jersey. It had a bunch of cars on the front......even Lightning McQueen. I named all the cars over and over and am very excited about the prospect of coloring the inside of the car.
The camera wasn't rolling for all the cards, but be assured if you sent me a card I loved it, even after it was bent, folded, torn and basically unrecognizable to anyone but me.

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