Tuesday, February 10, 2009


So today started off a little different than usual. Usually early in the morning Mom and Dad wake me up and I go to school. Somehow Dad's alarm didn't go off. So as the sun snuck through the window Mom woke up and was surprised to see Dad still asleep.

The rest of the morning involved Dad running around super fast getting ready for work. Mom decided she would take me to school so Dad could get to work a little faster. I tried and tried to get Mom to let me stay home. I even resorted to picking up the "Brown Bear Brown Bear" book that Aunt Woo Woo got me and reading it. Mom thought it was amazing as I read each page with my sweet little voice. In the end, I still had to go to school.

At school it was picture day. Lucky today was a good curl day. It was a little humid, Mom said the humidity made my curls were amazing. What do you think?
After school Mom came and picked me up. We were surprised to see Ms. Melissa and Baby Jack at school. Mom and Ms. Melissa chatted it up, but I was excited to go home and see Dad. We jumped in the car and there it was.....my best friend in the whole world.....white blankie. I sat in my chair with blankie in hand excited to go home and see Dad and find my binkie. Then, Mom mentioned that I had a binkie in the car. Mom asked if I wanted it and I said, "yeah". Then she said, "What's the magic word?". Silly Mommy I know the magic word, and then I said it, "Abracadabra". Apparently it wasn't the word Mom was looking for, but she was impressed with my wit and humor. But seriously, the magic word is Abracadabra right??

Today I got to talk to Aunt Woo Woo on the phone. I was hoping she would come visit, so I went into my playhouse and made her a burger. Woo Woo, your burger is ready.
Since Woo Woo couldn't make it for dinner, apparently Austin is further away then I realized, I had to settle with hanging out with Chloe. She was a very nice kitten tonight and she earned a hug.
Oh, and I got the coolest toy in the mail. It's a John Elway doll. It's still in the box, but I have high hopes that my Dad will let me open it.

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