Thursday, February 5, 2009

It's only Thursday!

I kept thinking it was Friday and so did Mom. You can understand our sadness when we learned it was only Thursday. Unfortunately, that means one more day until Mr. Heath and the weekend. Today at school we played the Who's Who game and played outside. During the day one of my friends pushed me and I fell down and hurt my head. No huge injury, but I was able to tell my Mom and Dad all about my boo boo. I said, "Samuel did it, he pushed me. Samuel be nice". It's the first time I've ratted out a kid to my parents. They asked me if Samuel apologized, which he did, so we are back to being friends.

Today was also another big milestone as I had a whole phone conversation with my Dad. I was riding home from school with Mom and she gave me the phone to tell Dad about my boo boo. I answered all my Dad's questions. The conversation went kind of like this:

Dad: (says something that Mom can't hear)
Riley: Yep.

Dad: (says something that Mom can't hear)
Riley: My head.

Dad: (says something that Mom can't hear)
Riley: Samuel did it. Be nice Samuel.

Later Mom got the phone and asked Dad what he said, he told her he asked me if I got a boo boo (answer: yes), where is my boo boo (answer: my head), who gave me the boo boo (answer: Samuel did it).

After we got home, Mom headed to the gym and Dad and I ate, took a bath and got ready for bed.

Here I am using the bath faucet to get water on my toothbrush.
Brushing my teeth (when Dad asked our dentist about the gaps in my teeth, he said we were lucky and that most kids with gaps in their teeth don't get braces...yeah)
I love bath time and I am so proud when I get in the bath tub all by myself. Here I am with my proudest smile saying "I did it".
Here is Diego being attacked by a gigantic frog. Lucky for Diego that he is on a jet ski and quickly got away from the gigantic frogs clutches. Go Diego Go.

I took my inhaler treatment to cut down on my night cough. As a special treat for being so brave, I got to have one of the lollipops that my Grammie sent me. I love the heart lollipops, though I think they look a little orange instead of pink, and there is no talking me out of this opinion.

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