Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentines Day!!

Finally the big day is here. I've been preparing for it for a few weeks. I've read all the valentine books, made the customary valentine's for my schoolmates and picked out a gift for my Mom and Dad. Mom got a bouquet of roses and Dad got a bouquet of comics. I think they both loved their gifts.
Here's the roses for Mom. The red one if from Dad, the pink is from me.
Here I am reading the Brown Bear book to Buzz. Nothing like sharing a good story with a friend on Valentine's Day.
Here I am playing Valentine's soccer in the neighborhood. Nothing like a good game of soccer in your jammies and tennis shoes.
Trying out the soccer picture stance. Kneeling by soccer ball with hand on knee. Do you think my parents will get the drift that I really want to go to Soccer Tot lessons?
Maybe the hand on ball picture will let them see how badly I want to learn to play goalie.
OK, desperate times call for desperate measures. Mom...Dad....Soccer please.
Dad thinks he can teach me himself, so we go to the track by our house and I kick the ball all around.
Mom and Dad are going out to Valentine's dinner so Ms. Dianne and her daughter Alexandra are coming over to hang out with me. We are going to watch Madagascar II, which Mom and Dad got me for Valentine's Day. It sounds like a much better movie than Mom and Dad are going to see, who wants to see a movie about a Shopaholic.
I wish everyone a very happy Valentine's Day!!!

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