Friday, February 20, 2009

Yeah for Friday!!!

At school today I had music class with Mr. Heath. It is always lots of fun to sing and dance. I was still a little sleepy, as I woke up in the middle of the night. (Thanks for staying up with me Mommy.) After school Dad came and picked me up and we went home so I could put on my mardi gras beads. I sure do love them. I wear them all around the house. Then I got to pick out a movie to watch. I love movie Fridays. The family movie this friday is Monsters Inc. For dinner Mom, Dad and I went to Sweet Tomatoes. After dinner Dad headed to a concert with Nate and John. Mom and I went to Target to pick up some pull-ups and look around. Who doesn't like a good stroll through a store? I was a super great shopper. I held Mom's hand and did a great job of listening. I found a Mickey doll at the end of one of the aisles and I did the "hot dog" dance with him. I sure do love Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. I got a special treat for being such a good boy. It was a green hat from the $1 section from the front of the store. Just like Mom, I love a deal.

Eating a cracker a dinner Eating some ice cream. Notice the mardi gras beads on the table.
Kisses from Dad before he leaves for the concert.
Here is Mickey and Pluto doing the hot dog dance at Target.
More dancing.

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