Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Yeah, Playdate time!!

Dad decided to listen to his alarm this morning, so I was back on routine. It was a little stormy last night, so I didn't get to play outside at school. Instead it was extra time in art classes, yeah. Mom came by and surprised me during my nap. She picked me up early from school and we went to go play with Bobby and Ben. I was so excited to see them both. We got to play with toys, toys and more toys. Bobby and I played with our Diego rescue packs complete with stethoscope and baby jaguar.

Thankfully the backyard wasn't too soggy, so we got to play outside. My friend Bobby is so funny. He told my Mom he was eating monkey snacks (which to parents are ordinary banana chips, but Bobby and I both know they are really monkey snacks).
Mom asked him what the monkey snacks taste like and he said, "Monkey". Bobby is so funny....monkey...what a comedian. I was so excited to come home and tell Dad all about my friends Bobby and Ben. I talked about them during dinner time, bath time and getting ready for bed time. Here's some pictures from my day:

Hanging out in the sandbox.

Playing with the wagon.
Boys clubhouse, no girls allowed.
Bobby and I hanging out.
Bathtime with Baby Jaguar. Can you tell that I love my new Diego rescue pack.
More bathtime with Baby Jaguar. I was never able to get off all his spots.
After bath with Baby Jaguar.
Watching an episode of Diego with Baby Jaguar.
You guessed it, if my parents had taken a picture of me asleep you would have seen Baby Jaguar.

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