Thursday, January 15, 2009

The Color Purple

Today at school I learned all about the color purple and even used food coloring to make water purple. I love purple. It's the color of flowers, grapes, the backyardigan Austin, Barney and it's Aunt Woo Woo's favorite color.

After school my Mom came and picked me up and we went home to wait for the heater guys. They are checking out why my room gets so cold at night, even when the heat is on full blast. While they were in the house, I got to play with all my trains, Little People and my Little Einsteins Rocketship.

After they left we went to eat at Texadelphia. Yum. I got to eat some ice cream even though it was so cold out. Then we ran an errand at Target and I picked out a toy from the clearance section. It was a stuffed Little Einsteins Rocketship for $1.48. I love it and it was such a great deal.

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