Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Happy Inauguration Day!

Congratulations Mr. President! Happy Inauguration Day!
Today I went to school and learned about nursery rhymes. I played in circle time with my friends and danced. I have my first girlfriend or at least a girl that I call my girlfriend. Her name is Tia. She is super sweet and I think Mom approves. Dad was making a joke and said he had a girlfriend. I came downstairs and told Mom. I don't think she thought it was as funny as Dad did. After school, I watched an episode of Backyardigans, wrestled with Dad and played until nighttime. Oh.....I almost forgot, Mom got me a copy of the movie Igor. I can't wait to watch it.

Today our maid came, thank goodness she didn't try to organize Riley World. Can you find Batman, Superman, Buzz Lightyear and Blankie in the picture below. Playing with Crayola Model Magic Fusion Modeling clay. I love this stuff and Mom says it is way easier to clean up than Play-Doh.
Here I am wrestling with Daddy. Notice, I'm wearing my Broncos mardi gras beads again.

1 comment:

kikiblack said...

I watched the inauguration from the office yesterday. A day of hope and reflection.