Friday, January 23, 2009

My Super Duper Playdate

Today I started my next semester of music classes with Mr. Heath, so Dad took me to school in the morning. Mom came to school and picked me up so we could go to our playdate with Bobby, Ben and Caroline. Mom and I have been fighting allergies, I just call them Gees. We weren't contagious, but we definitely didn't feel like we could handle a whole day of school or work, so a playdate was the perfect medicine to help us feel better and not get stir crazy in our house.

I had a great time playing at Caroline's house. There were tons of toys to play with, my favorite was the Mickey Mouse clubhouse.
Here's Ben.
Here's Bobby...Ben's big brother.
Caroline, who has the coolest pink toys.
I never got a real nap though I laid in bed and watched Lion King and Toy Story which I think is like a nap, but Mom disagrees. On the way home I fell asleep in the car and was out the rest of the night. What an awesome day. It sure helped my allergies feel better. This picture sums up how I feel about playdates.

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