Sunday, March 8, 2009

Hanging out with my parents and celebrating birthdays

Happy Birthday to Ms. Katie (Bobby and Ben's Mommy) who turned 30. Also, Happy Birthday to Jim who turned 50. Lucky Jim, apparently when you are 50 your awesome wife buys you a surprise trip to Madrid. I can't wait to turn 50.

Here's my new friend Pablo from the Backyardigans. I got him yesterday when I was out with Mom. I love Pablo. I take him everywhere with sleep, to play, to read books. Here are Pablo and I outside.

Dad got me sand for my sand table. I love to play with sand. I even like to pour it over my head. It makes my hair more of a sandy brown....ha ha. I love a good pun. Ok, maybe the term "good" wasn't appropriate in that sentence. Check out my sand skills.
After playing with the sand, I changed clothes and we went to the park. I love going to the park. We tried out a new park in Valley Ranch this weekend. It was awesome. Here are Dad and I sliding (notice Pablo at the bottom of the picture, he is a super fast slider).
Here are Mommy and I sliding.
Here are Daddy and I on the Monkey Bars...though I didn't swing on them. Instead, I did pull ups. Unfortunately, I couldn't do pull-ups and hold Pablo, so Pablo had to watch from the top of the jungle gym.
Here are Dad and I walking on the bike trail.
After the park, we went to go help Jim celebrate his birthday. We went to Carraba's, where I ordered spaghetti and meatballs. I ate 3 meatballs, they were delicious.
Here's a picture of the fellow party goers.
Big smiles all around the table.
After dinner we went to the birthday boy's house for cake and ice cream. Here I am with Evie. I had so much fun playing with her, we ran all around the house.

When I got home, my Mom put on a new shirt she got me. She knew it would be too big, but how could she pass it up. It was at the Baby Gap here in Dallas. I guess they thought the D was for Dallas, but everyone should know this is the throwback Denver Broncos logo. They only had one left and it was on sale for $8. It was a must buy. My dad wishes it fit him. Here I am with my Diego Rescue pack stethoscope. Dr. Riley the avid Denver Broncos fan.

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