Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Wet Wednesday

So I know we need rain, but it really cuts into my outside playtime. Today I went to school with Dad and the sun was shining, but there were plenty of clouds. I played in circletime, in the play kitchen and art class. I was excited for Mom to come pick me up. She promised me that we could watch Bolt when we got home. Grandma sent it to me yesterday. I'm so excited. When Mom walked in, I finished my snack, got my daily sheet and was ready to go. It was raining, so Mom and I had to run real fast. We got in the car and went home. Thankfully, Mom cleaned the garage out a couple weeks ago, so we pulled into the garage and stayed dry as we went in the house. I ran to the couch and sat down, ready for my movie. Bolt, Bolt, Bolt. Mom put in the dvd and we watched Bolt. Once Dad got home, we ate dinner and I got to watch more Bolt while Dad wrestled around with me. Then it was off to bed.

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