Thursday, March 26, 2009

The new and improved Riley World

Today I went to school with Dad. Once I got to the room and saw my friend Tia, I quickly told Dad bye and walked him out the door. After Dad left I went up to Tia and she gave me a hug. I think Dad might have peeked through the windows and caught me. Today we read lots of books, made art crafts and played inside. After school Mom picked me up and we went home. I ran to the couch and got my stuffed Bolt and asked Mom super nicely if she would watch Bolt with me. She said yes, but we had to do our chore of getting the mail first. I ran to the door and Mom and I got the mail from the mailbox. I was super surprised to see a letter for me. It was an Easter card complete with stickers from Grandma B. Thanks Grandma, I love sure do love stickers. While I was watching Bolt, Mom helped clean up my train table (which is lovingly referred to as Riley World, as it is were all my toys end up being piled up).
Here I am with Bolt watching Bolt.
A Bolt close-up.
Riley World all cleaned up.
You can see all the pieces of Riley World which were previously on the table. They took up a whole toy bin, which stows away neatly under one of my easels.
It's much easier to play with my trains, now that there aren't toys stacked all over them.
Reading a book with Mom.I'm very enthusiastic about my Mickey Mouse books.

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